La Península Ibérica atesora un rico bagaje cultural que ha quedado plasmado en los objetos producidos por los grupos humanos que la habitaron en cada momento.

Ese ACERVO cultural ha pervivido a lo largo de los siglos, incluso milenios, a través de formas de trabajo heredadas.

Hoy, el vertiginoso cambio de modelos culturales, productivos y económicos, pone en peligro la pervivencia de ese pasado tangible que es la cultura material de un pueblo.

En ACERVO  tratamos de recuperar y potenciar el esfuerzo de aquellos que siguen trabajando  por mantener el pasado vivo.


The Iberian Peninsula has amassed a rich cultural trove that is embodied in the artifacts created by the groups of people who have inhabited here throughout the ages.

This cultural heritage (ACERVO) has endured in the forms of work bequeathed to us across the centuries, even across the millennia.

Nowadays, the dizzying changes in culture, production and economic models in the 21st century threaten the very survival of this tangible past, which is the material culture of the our people.

At ACERVO we are trying to recover and empower the efforts of those artisans who are still working to keep our history alive.

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